What We Do
Project initiatives are undertaken to mobilize local communities and to create local institutions to combat poverty. CFDA has so far successfully completed three initiatives: Micro Banks for Women and Empowerment of Elder Women in Citlapakkam Block ofKanchipuram District and the third, Life beyond Relief in Kodiyampalayam and Koozhayar villages of Nagapattinam District.
Poverty Reduction
The project Micro Banks for Women was initiated in late 1995, is a model to facilitate a ‘’Community owned and managed’’ Savings and Credit services to low-income group women in the urban fringes of Chennai which benefits 1500 households. The Project continues to provide seed capital for hawkers. It has directly supported 15 traders and facilitated credit support for 270 traders.
Social Inclusion
The project Empowerment of Elderly Women was launched in mid-2002 to mitigate the elderly women’s’ social isolation and the consequent suffering. An elderly association was formed in the project and they were linked with nearby hospitals for medical treatment including cataract surgery. Medicines and spectacles were provided free of cost. Monthly get-together and annual pilgrim tours were organized to create avenues for socialization. Financial support was also given to able elders to undertake simple livelihood activities. The Programme is at present jointly managed by the representatives of elderly and micro bank groups.
Livelihood Reconstruction
The Project Life beyond Relief was a Tsunami related intervention. Women SHGs were promoted and micro Credit support was extended to affected families to revive fishing activities in Kodiyampalayam village and animal husbandry in Koozhayar. Through this intervention, livelihood was reconstructed in 158 families.
In addition we offer a comprehensive set of training and consulting services.